
Article Type

Original Article


Restorative Dentistry



This within-patient study aimed to compare two different construction techniques (conventional and 3D printing) of two implant-assisted complete mandibular overdenture regarding occlusion using a digital occlusion analysis system (Occlusense).


Six patients were selected for this study from the prosthetic department, Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University. All patients received mandibular implant-assisted overdentures with two fabrication techniques, conventional overdenture (group I) and 3D printed overdenture (group II). Ball and socket attachments were used to retain the mandibular overdentures to the underlying implant fixtures. Conventional and 3D printed mandibular overdentures were compared and evaluated after 3 months of overdenture use regarding occlusion using occlusesnse.


There was a significant difference in the evenness of occlusal force distribution between both groups over time from T0 to T3 (P=0.046 anterior, 0.037 and 0.043 premolars right and left) with more even occlusal force distribution in (group II) (x=8, 6 anterior right and left, x=-8 premolars) than in (group I) (x=3, 2 anterior right and left x=-1 premolars).


Within the limitation of this study, it was shown that implant overdentures constructed by 3D printing technique offer promising results compared to conventionally constructed implant overdentures regarding occlusal force distribution


3D printed overdentures, ball attachment, force distribution, and occlusense
